Day 4: Fashion trends

Pick a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate. Win us over!

I am not the person to ask about fashion trends. I’m completely out of the loop when it comes to trendiness. But, I can share products that I am absolutely in love with right now, trendy or not trendy.

One of my favorite companies is 31 Bits. They sell jewelry made by women from Uganda. They are made from bits of paper. And it is fair trade, therefore the jewelry makers receive fair wages, empowering women to rise above the culture of poverty. Here are some of my favorite pieces.




Aren’t they darling? Beautiful pieces with intention.

When I went to Kenya, one of the stores we went to was Amani ya Juu, which means higher peace in Swahili.

Again it is fair trade, but they take marginalized women from different countries in Africa, including Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Liberia, and Burundi, and put them in a sewing and training program in order to give them a skill that will make them self sufficient. It was a privilege to meet some of the women there last year and I definitely indulged in many products. One of my favorites is the Safari Totes:



Trendy or not, I love these products. As far as one fashion trend I’m not a fan of, it has to be patterned leggings.


My friend continuously tells me that I am not picking the right leggings, which is why I do not like them. I really don’t think this is the case. To each his own. Besides…

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (1 Peter 3:3-4)


Brave Love Blog

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Helen says:

    Love that you chose to highlight some fair trade items….love the section ” the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit”.


  2. -Bess- says:

    31 Bits sounds like a great company – & with super cute products, too! I like how patterned leggings look on the rack, but I agree, they are very hard to pull off {no pun intended}. Love the Bible verse you chose to use, too!


  3. -Bess- says:


    I also wanted to thank you SO much for the sweet comment you left on my blog! I needed that! Yes, sister “soldier” fear is bad bad bad to the bone & it can make us lose out on what God wants us to do. So, pick up that pen again or start typing those words post haste, cause this world needs to hear the story in your heart. Just like it needs to hear mine, even when fear feeds us lies & assures us we don’t matter & it will never work. Keep on writing. Even when you tear up {or delete} your words cause it just isn’t flowing. Keep on writing. Even when you got to edit. Keep on writing. Even when writer’s block seems to have frozen you solid. Keep on writing. That just may be a good creed for the Christian walk, too. Happy Friday! Sorry if I rambled around the mulberry bush here, I’m bad about that.


    P.S.: I’d love to hear more about your trip to Kenya! Will you share more on the 18th (the prompt for that day is travels)? =)


    1. For you, Bess, I will 🙂 and thank you for your encouragement 🙂


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